Becca Hajjar ’89 might just be predisposed to giving — her blood type, after all, is O, the universal donor. That is not, however, what prompts her generosity with her alma mater.
“I got a leg up in my education and in my career because my parents were willing to send me to Miss Hall’s,” says Becca, Senior Vice President of Field Development with Commonwealth Financial Network, an Independent RIA/broker-dealer outside of Boston. She believes wholeheartedly in the MHS mission of empowering girls and young women, having been a beneficiary of that mission.
“One of the things I love about Miss Hall’s is how supportive everyone is, and I know how important it is to have leadership opportunities at such a young age,” says Becca, who as Chair of the Board’s Investment Committee, further knows how crucial the School’s endowment is to its long-term sustainability. That’s why she joined the Heritage Society, making Miss Hall’s a beneficiary of her retirement account.
“I’m really passionate about paying it forward,” she adds. “I want to help the next generation, and I know how important it is for the School to be around for more than the next 100 years.”
Becca, we couldn’t agree more!